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The Making of Macbeth



Ron King - MacDuff - Macbeth Series

Where was it made? 
Banned from Seven Corners Press by the Unions, where Chaucer and Song of Solomon had been printed, Ron rented an old paper store building in Stoke Fields, Guildford into which he introduced a large Asbern proofing press where, with the help of Walter Taylor, he learnt to typeset and with experimentation, to letterpress his first book.  Many other artists wishing to make books were able to give Ron the chance of improving his printing and being able to charge for his services and keep Circle Press solvent!


Ron King - Banquo - Macbeth SeriesHow was it made? 
Using images of parts of shoes, lipsticks, light bulbs, tobacco leaves and even upturned chairs that he scavenged from pictures in magazines, Ron assembled the scraps into bold collages. Ron worked to create a strong visual response to the main characters that were eventually made into photo stencils, this was a new direction for Ron.  Once more he returned to the use of masks with an aim to make them 'more terrifying, monumental…and modern'.




Ron King - Witch - MacbethWhat was made?
Ten silk screen mask designs, all titled and initialed with the entire text of the play printed letterpress in 14 pt Plantin in an edition of  150 signed copies. Added to these he printed separate editions of 30 of each of the images, fully signed and numbered. A few remain and are now available for sale. .




Macbeth is held in many public collections including: Ron King - Lady MacDuff - Macbeth Series

Macbeth is held in many public collections including:
The Yale Centre for British Art
The V&A
The British Library
The Chigago Art Institute

It is also held in many college and university collections.


Murderer, Series:Macbeth, Ron King Studio

 What more could you tell me?

Of all classic texts that Ron produced, Macbeth is stated as one of his personal favourites.